Thursday, March 20, 2008

My First Hunter

Hello Bloggers, My name is Sean, I just rolled a new character on Warcraft about a week ago. She is my little Orc hunter named Aik I decided to move to Horde and a new server bescause, When i returned to wow after being away for a long time, mainly due to collage. Noone i remembered was there, and although i had alot of high levels, it didn't feel fun for me.

So me and a few of my friends i originally met from the game Neverwinter night since about 2003 we decided to start up horde and roll there.

So for a change i thought i roll hunter, and so far i am having a grand blast

Although i become doubtful on my pet, I have a little baby boar named Tusk i got right outside the Orc city.

Been my buddy ever since, i admit i had some temptation on others such as Kresh in Wailing caverns, Now i'm ready in Silverpine heading off to Shadowfangkeep and down to the Tauren Mills.

Here's, a screenie of us.
